Bresser ClimaTemp XXL Weather Station, wooden look
Bresser ClimaTemp XXL Weather Station, wooden look
Bresser ClimaTemp XXL Weather Station, wooden look

Bresser ClimaTemp XXL Weather Station, wooden look (4007922059877)

Radio controlled weather station with wind and rain gauge, 24h weather trend

Bresser weather centres are very popular among hobby meteorologists, keen gardeners and other people who cannot or do not wish to rely on weather data from faraway weather stations.

Just like its predecessors, the new ClimaTemp XXL weather centre delivers a whole host of locally collected meteorological data. New to this model is the power supply for the combined rain and wind sensor, which is provided via a cable connection on the thermo-hygro sensor. This makes the ClimaTemp XXL the ideal model for users who wish to mount the wind sensor on a roof or other hard-to-access location. The user only needs to replace the batteries in the thermo-hygro sensor, which is easy to access.


  • Elegant weather station with stylish wooden look
  • Integrated sensor for indoor temperature (°C/°F) and relative humidity (%)
  • Automatically displays the time and day of the week via DFC77 radio signal
  • Moon phase display
  • Symbolic weather trend display (24 h)
  • Atmospheric pressure display
  • Alarm function
  • Displays the wind strength, speed and direction
  • Wind chill display = apparent temperature
  • 24-hour rainfall in mm or inches
  • Battery operated (4x AA, not included)

The kit includes:

  • Base station
  • Thermo-hygro sensor
  • Wind/rain gauge
  • Mounting materials for wind/rain gauge
  • User manual
MarkaBresser GmbH, Almanya
Garanti, yıl2
Paket boyutu (UxGxY), cm43x16.5x43
Nakliye Ağırlığı, kg2.45
Kullanım yeriiç mekanlar, dış mekanlar
Tipmeteoroloji istasyonu
Dahili özelliklertermometre, barometre, higrometre, yağmur göstergesi, anemometre, saat, çalar saat
Tasarımmasa üstü, kablosuz, dijital
Uygulamaevde kullanım için
Ölçü birimlerimmHg, inHg, mbar/hPa
Ölçü birimleri% (RH)
Ölçü birimleri°C, °F
İstisnai özelliklerses sinyali belirli bir sıcaklık seviyesine ulaşıldığını gösterir
Saat biçimi12 saat
Çalar saatyes
Ölçü birimleripusulanın ana noktaları
Ölçü birimlerim/sn, km/s, mph
Ekran tipitek renkli
Radyo sinyali frekansı, MHz433
Radyo sinyali yarıçapı, m80
Güç kaynağı6 AA pil, 1,5 V (dahil değildir)
Çalışma sıcaklığı aralığı (iç mekan), °C-10 — 50
Çalışma sıcaklığı aralığı (dış mekan sensörü)-20 — 50
Hava eğilimiönümüzdeki 12 saat için
Hava eğilimi mevcutyes
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